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  • Arguments for Gender Equality: A Qur’anic Perspective
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    Arguments for Gender Equality: A Qur’anic Perspective

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    The problem of differences between men and women still face a number of challenges, both in terms of their origin and roles played in the society. Biological anatomical differences between the two are quite clear. However, the effect arising from these differences are debatable because, as it turns out, sex differences in biological terms also bring forth a set of cultural concepts. This cultural interpretation in sex differences is called gender.

    Gender equality is one of the most important issues needs to discuss at the wide perspective, particularly, due to the position woman among the man’s world. Such issue, in a naturally related to the economic survival, reproductive rights, and the struggle against community perception toward feminine position and its implication.

    The book launched just before the direct presidential election, wherein one of the candidates was Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, a woman that many people constructed barriers for her candidacy. Several distinguished ulama issued a fatwa that a woman is not allowed to be a president with a number of reasons that author explore this book. The presence of this book has directly or indirectly resolved the challenge faced by Mrs. Megawati.

    In the conclusion of the book, the author argues that it is possible for woman to be a president with all reasons author discussed in this book. At that time, author made a public statement that anyone may reject her candidacy, but not because she is a woman, but with any other reasons. In the midst of various obstacles, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri eventually won the election and became the first female president of Indonesia.

    All of you have to read this book to understand in a detail of why several ulama issued a fatwa that a woman is not allowed to be a president and why the author argue that it is possible for woman to be a president? May the presence of this book bring enlightenment for all of us, especially when preparing the more competitive future generation of the nation. (nda)

    PegarangProf. Dr. Nazaruddin Umar, MA PenerbitPuslitbang Lektur dan Khazanah Keagamaan ISBN- Tahun2014 Download Untuk mendownload file, Anda harus login LOGIN
