Manuscript > Research


No Title Author Language Script Subject Matter Total Research
1. Si Dayang Rindu anonim Malay Jawi Tale and Folklor 0
2. Si Sakaping anonymous Minangkabau Jawi Tale and Folklor 0
3. Sidang Fakir Empunya Kata Ḥamzah al-Fanṣūrī Malay Jawi Sufism 1
4. Sidang lamong anonymous Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
5. Siddhanta sastra anonymous Old Javanese Balinese Theology 0
6. Ṣifāṭ al-nabī anonymous Arabic Arabic Prophetology 0
7. Sifat dua puluh Dāwud ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Faṭānī Malay Jawi Theology 4
8. Sifat Dua Puluh anonymous Sundanese Pegon Theology 0
9. Sifat Dua Puluh anonymous Sundanese Pegon Theology 1
10. [Sifat dua puluh] anonymous Malay Jawi Theology 0
11. Sifat Dua Puluh anonymous Sundanese Arabic & Pegon Theology 0
12. Sifat nabi anonymous Javanese Javanese Prophetology 0
13. Siksa Guru Darma Suraba anonymous Old Javanese Roman Tale and Folklor 0
14. Silakrama anonymous Javanese Javanese Ethics 0
15. Silisilah Kerajaan Johor anonymous Malay Jawi Traditional Historiography 1
16. Silsilah Melayu dan Bugis Raja 'Alī Haji Malay Jawi Traditional Historiography 1
17. Silsilah Prabu Jampari anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography 0
18. Silsilah Raja-raja di Tanah Jawa anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Historiography 0
19. [Silsilah raja-raja Jawa ke Nabi Adam] anonymous Javanese Javanese Primbon and Mujarobat 0
20. Silsilah Raja-raja Pagarruyung anonymous Malay Jawi Traditional Historiography 0
21. [Silsilah sultan-sultan di Banjarmasin] anonymous Malay Jawi Miscellaneous 0
22. [Silsilah sultan-sultan di Sumenep] anonymous Madurese Pegon Miscellaneous 0
23. Silsilah Syathariah anonymous Malay Jawi Sufism 1
24. [Silsilah tarekat] ‘Abd al-Raūf ibn ‘Alī al-Jāwī al-Fanṣūrī Malay Jawi Sufism 0
25. al-Simṭ al-majīd Ṣafī al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Madanī al-Anṣārī al-Badrī al-Ḥusaynī al-Qushāsh Arabic Arabic Sufism 1
26. Sindula anonymous Javanese Javanese Tale and Folklor 0
27. Singhalanggalaparawa anonymous Old Javanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
28. Singir ahli suwarga anonymous Javanese Roman Theology 0
29. Singir dagang anonymous Javanese Roman Islamic Jurisprudence 0
30. Singir kala kures anonymous Javanese Pegon Theology 0
31. Singir kiamat tabaulfakir anonymous Javanese Roman Theology 0
32. Singir laki rabi anonymous Javanese Roman Ethics 0
33. Singir nasehat jaman akhir anonymous Javanese Roman Theology 0
34. Singir paras nabi anonymous Javanese Roman Theology 0
35. Singir parase Nabi Muhammad anonymous Javanese Pegon Prophetology 0
36. Singir santri anonymous Javanese Roman Ethics 0
37. Sinrilinna Kappla Tallubatua anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Traditional Hagiography 1
38. Sinuhun Bangun Tapa anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Historiography 0
39. Siraj al-Mubtadiin Tuan Guru H. Asy'ari Sulaiman Malay Jawi Theology 1
40. al-Sirāj al-munīr anonymous Arabic Arabic Quranic Exegesis 0
41. Sirāj al-ṭālibīn Iḥsān ibn Muḥammad Daḥlān Jampes Arabic Arabic Theology 1
42. Siraman Dhateng anonymous Javanese Javanese Local Custom 0
43. al-Ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm Nūr al-Dīn al-Rānīrī Malay Jawi Islamic Jurisprudence 1
44. Ṣirāṭ al-nabī anonymous Arabic Arabic Prophetology 1
45. Sirr al-asrār Yūsuf al-Maqassarī Arabic Arabic Sufism 2
46. al-Sirr al-quds anonymous Arabic Arabic Quranic Exegesis 0
47. Sirullah anonymous Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
48. Siti Kasanah anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Historiography 0
49. Siti Rabiatul Adawiyah anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Traditional Hagiography 1
50. Sittīn Shaikh Ahmad ar-Ramli Javanese Pegon Theology 1

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