Manuscript > Research


No Title Author Language Script Subject Matter Total Research
51. Sarabudaya R.Ng. Pujaharja Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
52. Sarana barata anonymous Wolio Buri Wolio Traditional Law 0
53. Sarana bonto inunca anonymous Wolio Buri Wolio Traditional Law 0
54. Sarana kompanyia anonymous Wolio Buri Wolio Traditional Law 0
55. Sarana susua Abd al-Hādī Ma Saadi Wolio Buri Wolio Traditional Law 0
56. Sarana Wolio anonymous Wolio Arabic Tale and Folklor 1
57. Sarasilah pangiwa Raden Ngabehi Sindusastra Javanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
58. Sarasilah saking Adam Ranggawarsita Javanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
59. Sarasilah Suci anonymous Javanese Javanese Ethics 0
60. Sarasilah warni-warni Anonymous Javanese Hanacaraka Tale and Folklor 0
61. Sarasilahipun nabi Adam anonymous Javanese Hanacaraka Prophetology 0
62. Sarasmucaya anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography 0
63. Sarasmucayaparwa anonymous Old Javanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
64. Ṣarf fī al-layl anonymous Arabic Arabic Arabic Grammar 0
65. Sarip Durahman anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography 0
66. Sarpanaga dhandangjambul anonymous Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
67. Serat tarek anonymous Javanese Roman Traditional Historiography 0
68. Sasmitaning sarawungan R.Ng. Pujaharja Javanese Javanese Ethics 0
69. Sastra duapuluh anonymous Javanese Javanese Local Custom 0
70. Sastra Gendhing Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma Javanese Hanacaraka Sufism 2
71. Saudagar miskin Dāwud ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Faṭānī Malay Jawi Tale and Folklor 0
72. Sawareh Barzanji Dimyati Arabic & Sundanese Pegon & Arabic Prophetology 1
73. Ṣawārim al-ṣiddīq Nūr al-Dīn al-Rānīrī Arabic Arabic Sufism 0
74. Sawi badundun anonymous Rejang Rencong Miscellaneous 0
75. al-Ṣayd wa-al-zabā'iḥ Dāwud ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Faṭānī Arabic Arabic Islamic Jurisprudence 0
76. Sayyid al-ma'ārif Iḥsān al-Dīn Malay Jawi Sufism 0
77. Segala Cerita Anak Sekula anonymous Malay Jawi Tale and Folklor 0
78. Seh Ahmad anonymous Javanese Hanacaraka Ethics 0
79. Seh Bagendha Mardam R. P. Astra Negara Javanese Pegon Tale and Folklor 1
80. Seh Jabar Sidik anonymous Javanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
81. Seh Malaya anonymous Javanese Hanacaraka Sufism 1
82. Seh ragayoni anonymous Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
83. Seh Siti Jenar anonymous Javanese Javanese Sufism 0
84. Seh Tekawerdi anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Historiography 0
85. Seh Widayatullah anonymous Javanese Javanese Ethics 0
86. Sejarah anonymous Sundanese Hanacaraka Traditional Historiography 0
87. Sejarah Banten anonymous Javanese Hanacaraka Traditional Historiography 1
88. Sejarah Bupati-bupati Cianjur anonymous Sundanese Roman Traditional Hagiography 0
89. Sejarah Cirebon anonymous Javanese Cacarakan History 0
90. [Cerita dari Rejang] anonim Malay Roman Traditional Historiography 0
91. Sejarah Jawa anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Historiography 0
92. Sejarah Kedatangan Dato Guru Cawang Bugisnese Serang History 1
93. Sejarah Madura anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography 0
94. Sejarah Melayu anonymous Malay Jawi Traditional Historiography 0
95. [Sejarah Nabi Adam hingga Raden Patah di Demak] anonymous Javanese Pegon Traditional Historiography 0
96. Sejarah Nabi Muhammad anonymous Javanese Javanese Prophetology 0
97. Sejarah Nabi Rasulullah anonymous Sundanese Pegon Prophetology 0
98. Sejarah Para Wali anonymous Sundanese and Javanese Pegon History 0
99. Sejarah para wali anonymous Javanese Roman Traditional Historiography 0
100. Sejarah Pasemah anonymous Malay Jawi Traditional Historiography 0

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