Manuscript : 1 to 50/52


No Title Author Language Script Subject Matter
1. La Dadok Pallopi-lopie anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Traditional Hagiography
2. La Galigo Lamenrurana anonymous Bugisnese Roman Tale and Folklor
3. La ilaha ilallah anonymous Arabic Arabic Sufism
4. Laṭā'if al-a‘lām fī ishārat ahl al-ilham al-Qa‘shānī Arabic Arabic Sufism
5. Lahuri Jeung Mansuri anonymous Sundanese Roman Tale and Folklor
6. Lajang Kawroeh anonymous Javanese Pegon Sufism
7. Lakad anonymous Javanese Pegon Traditional Hagiography
8. Lakad Menak anonymous Javanese Pegon Traditional Hagiography
9. Lakad Serat Raja anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography
10. Lakon Guru Kembar anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography
11. Lakon Wayang Purwa anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography
12. Lakon Wayang Purwa anonymous Javanese Javanese Tale and Folklor
13. Lalakon Badak Pamalang anonymous Sundanese Pegon Traditional Hagiography
14. al-Lama‘ān Nūr al-Dīn al-Rānīrī Arabic Arabic Theology
15. Iamam Suwangsa anonymous Sundanese Roman Tale and Folklor
16. Lampah Krama anonymous Javanese Roman Traditional Law
17. Lampah-lampahan anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Law
18. Laot Makrifat Allah Tgk Id Ibnu Utsman Jawi Acehnese Arabic Sufism
19. Laṭā'if al-minan Ibn ‘Aṭā‘ Allāh al-Iskandarī Abū al-Faḍl Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Arabic Arabic Sufism
20. Layang Ambiya Yasadipura I Javanese Pegon Prophetology
21. Layang Ambyok Yasadipura I Javanese Pegon Literature
22. Layang Candra anonymous Javanese Javanese Traditional Hagiography
23. Layang Sumekar R. Aryo Syamsul Imam Prawiradiningrat Javanese Pegon Sufism
24. Layang Syekh Abdul Kadir Jailani anonymous Sundanese Pegon Sufism
25. Layang Wacan Carita Bathikan anonymous Javanese Roman Tale and Folklor
26. Layang Wacan Carita Tenunan anonymous Javanese Roman Tale and Folklor
27. Layang Wacan anonymous Javanese Javanese Tale and Folklor
28. Al- Manhal al-‘aẓb li-dhikr al-qalb Shaykh Ismā’īl al-Minangkabawi Arabic Arabic Sufism
29. Les Manuscrits Lampongs Van der Tuuk Dutch Roman Miscellaneous
30. [Letter from W. Chalmers] anonymous English Roman Letter
31. [Letter from Delft] anonim Dutch Roman Letter
32. Lexicographical notes by Van der Tuuk anonim Malay Arabic & Roman Miscellaneous
33. [Linguistic notes by Van der Tuuk] Van der Tuuk Malay & Javanese Roman Arabic Grammar
34. [List kosakata Belanda-Melayu-Rejang] Van der Tuuk Dutch, Malay, Rejang Jawi & Roman Miscellaneous
35. [List kosakata Melayu-Aceh] anonim Malay Jawi Miscellaneous
36. Lontar Cilinaya anonymous Sasaknese Old Javanese Sufism
37. Lontar Darul Samar anonymous Javanese Old Javanese Sufism
38. Lontar Indarjaya anonymous Sasaknese Old Javanese Theology
39. Lontar Nabi Haparas anonymous Javanese Old Javanese Prophetology
40. Lontar Puspakrama anonymous Sasaknese Old Javanese Traditional Hagiography
41. Lontar Tafsir Mimpi anonymous Sasaknese Old Javanese Traditional Medicine
42. Lontar Tutur Jati anonymous Sasaknese Old Javanese Theology
43. Lontarak Assalenna Bajo anonymous Bugisnese Arabic Miscellaneous
44. Lontaraq bilang Gowa-Talloq anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Miscellaneous
45. Lontaraq Suqkuna Wajo anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Traditional Historiography
46. Lontaraq Tellumpoccoe anonymous Bugisnese Lontara Bugis Traditional Historiography
47. Lubāb al-ṭālibīn anonymous Arabic Arabic Ḥadīth Text
48. Lubāb al-ta'wīl ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Alī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrahim Khalīl al-Shīḥī al-Baghdad Arabic Arabic Quranic Exegesis
49. Lujjayn al-dānī 'Abd al-Qādir ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān al-Faṭānī Malay Jawi Sufism
50. Lujjayn al-dānī Ja'far ibn Ḥasan ibn ‘Abd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad Arabic Arabic Sufism

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