Manuscript > Tuḥfat al-zamān fī ẓuruf ahl al-Yaman

Detail Information

Title: Tuḥfat al-zamān fī ẓuruf ahl al-Yaman
Full Title: Tuḥfat al-zamān fī ẓuruf ahl al-Yaman
Author: Ibn Shaddād al-Ḥimyarī al-Yamanī
Place, Date of Birth: none, none
Place, Date of Dead: none, none
Place of Activity: none
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Astronomy
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 18

This is a Malay treatise on divination (kitab ramal), which was written by a Yemen scholar, Ibn Shaddād al-Ḥimyarī al-Yamanī, upon the orders of the Sultan Pangeran Ratu of Palembang. In the some introductory verses, the author provides the exact date of writing, namely 'pada hari Jumat pada bulan Safar ketiga zuhrah, seribu seratus daripada hijrah, tujuh puluh lima tarikh nabawiyah' or Jumat, 3 Safar 1175.

Another title for this work is al-Qarʻah al-Shaddādīyah al-himmīrīyah. It  contains diagrams, astronomical and religious, invocations to God, under His various names, and to the prophets, a sort of index (ff. 34v-54), and directions and information (ff. 54v-74) arrangged under sections such as Taj al-Din, Qutb al-Din (Greentree and Nicholson 1910: 7).