Manuscript > Ṭūṭī nāmah

Detail Information

Title: Ṭūṭī nāmah
Full Title: Ṭuti namah
Author: anonymous
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Traditional Hagiography
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 17

Contents (Greentree and Nicholson 1910: 3):

"Leaves from the earlier part of series of tales (the Hikayat Bayan budiman or Hikayat Khoja Mimun) tolf by a merchant's parrot to the merchant's wife in his absence to disctract her from her puprpose of going to see a young prince with whom she had fallen in love. The tales are (1) The History of the Parrot and the Merchant's Wife; (2) The History of the Sentinel; (3) The Husband who was jealous of his Wife (with subordinate stories)."

This work is also known as Hikayat Bayan Budiman or Hikayat Khoja Maimun, since the merchant's name seems to be Khoja (Persian: 'a rich merchant') Maimun (Persian: 'fortunate' (see Ricklefs and Voorhoeve 1977: 103).