Manuscript > Sharḥ manẓūmāt al-Bayqūnī

Detail Information

Title: Sharḥ manẓūmāt al-Bayqūnī
Full Title: Sharḥ manẓūmāt al-Bayqūnī
Author: Ṭāhā ibn Muḥammad al-Bayqūnī
Language: Arabic
Script: Arabic
Subject Matter: Ḥadīth Science
Genre: Poetry
Date of Autograph (century): 17
Notes: This kitab enjoyed its popularity in Indonesia as one of influential works on hadith sciences. Some ulamas wrote the commentaries as well as translations to meet the need of its understanding in local languages. They are Bisri Mustofa from Rembang who wrote the work in Javanese dan Ahmad Makki from Sukabumi in Sundanese.