Manuscript > al-Lu‘lu‘ al-naẓīm

Detail Information

Title: al-Lu‘lu‘ al-naẓīm
Full Title: al-Lu‘lu‘ al-naẓīm fī raum al-taʻallum wa al-taʻlīm
Author: Abū Yaḥyā Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī
Place, Date of Birth: none, 1422
Place, Date of Dead: none, 1520
Place of Activity: none
Language: Arabic
Script: Arabic
Subject Matter: Ethics
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 19
Found in : Ma'ruf, 2008.

The work is listed as al-Lu‘lu‘ al-aẓīm fī raum al-taʻallum wa al-taʻlīm in Cunbur 1987: 2, while Brockelmann (1996 II: 123) names it as mentioned above.