Manuscript > Syair Surga

Detail Information

Title: Syair Surga
Full Title: Syair Surga
Author: anonymous
Place, Date of Birth: None, None
Place, Date of Dead: None, None
Place of Activity: Palembang
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Sufism
Genre: Poetry
Date of Autograph (century): 20
Found in : Suryadi, 2009.

This text outlines Sufi order teachings about the levels of consciousness and gives a symbolic interpretation of the prayer ritual. It tells about the reward that will be gained by pious Muslims in the hereafter, where they will live happily forever in heaven.

The writer of the poem is apparently its author rather than a copyist because in stanza 121 he mentions mengarang (composing) this poem. Apparently, he is an ulama (scholar of Islam) in Palembang (stanza 123:4). (Suryadi, 2009: 73).