Manuscript > Wawacan Nasehat

Detail Information

Title: Wawacan Nasehat
Full Title: Wawacan Nasehat
Author: Ḥasan Muṣṭafá
Place, Date of Birth: Cikajang, Garut, 1852
Place, Date of Dead: Bandung, 1930
Place of Activity: West Java; Aceh
Language: Sundanese
Script: Pegon
Subject Matter: Sufism
Genre: Poetry
Date of Autograph (century): 20
Found in : Rosidi 1989; Ekadjati 1988; Tim Peneliti IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung 2006; Permana, 2006.

This text deals with the mystical doctrines such as tawbat, warā', zuhd, faqrṣabr, tawakkal, and riḍā.