Manuscript > Tanbeh tujoh blaih

Detail Information

Title: Tanbeh tujoh blaih
Full Title: Tanbeh tujoh blaih
Author: Teungku Muda Teureubeu
Place, Date of Birth: None, None
Place, Date of Dead: None, None
Place of Activity: None
Language: Acehnese
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Ethics
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 19

This text contains 17 admonitions for Muslims such aspects as theology, piety, apostate, significance of religious duties, magnificence of pious muslims, the duty for keeping good relation with parents, courtesy of disciple with teacher, courtesy of wife toward her husband, bathe after coition, courtesy with neighbors, significance of giving donation, riba, ritual ceremonies, story of Jumjumah king, hereafter punishment, and nastiness of who do not conduct Jum'at prayer. Voorhoeve (1957: 234) informs that this work is drawn upon the Arabic work entitled, Munīr al-Qulūb Dawā' al-Dhunūb.