Manuscript > Bayān arkān

Detail Information

Title: Bayān arkān
Full Title: Bayān arkān
Author: anonymous
Place, Date of Birth: None, None
Place, Date of Dead: None, None
Place of Activity: None
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Sufism
Genre: Prose

This work contains two main aspects, fiqh and Sufism, and is written in the form of question-answer. Yet, the explanation on Sufism shows its greater importance, even fiqh is also written within the Sufism perspective. As for praying, for instance, the writer quotes the prophet tradition which he translated it as follows: "... tiada sah sembah yang melainkan dengan makrifat jua...." To achieve the highest stage in Sufism, the writer mentions four paths: syariat, tarekat, hakikat, and ma'rifat. It is stated that "... barangsiapa menuntut ilmu dan amal jika tiada dijalaninya dengan empat jalan, maka tiadalah sempurna makrifat ...." As the perfection of ma'rifat is mentioned, that is the so-called martabat tujuh developed in Sufism.