Manuscript > [Fikih politik]

Detail Information

Title: [Fikih politik]
Full Title: [Fikih politik]
Author: anonymous
Place, Date of Birth: None, None
Place, Date of Dead: None, None
Place of Activity: None
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Politics
Genre: Prose

The work puts more emphasis on political ethics for political leaders, especially sultans and state officials like qadi, mufti, etc. It is said that people are obliged to obey their leaders as long as they are on the right path. The writer also mentions the qualifications of being qadi (judge) as follows: "... bermula syarat qadi itu sepuluh perkara: pertama Islam, kedua laki-laki, ketiga mukallaf, keempat merdeka, kelima mendengar, keenam melihat, ketujuh jaga lagi rajin, kedelapan adil, kesembilan berkata, kesepuluh mujtahid...." The writer also reminds the judges of not doing bribery.