Manuscript > Mir'at al-ṭullāb

Detail Information

Title: Mir'at al-ṭullāb
Full Title: Mir'at al-ṭullāb fī tashīl ma‘rifat al-aḥkām al-shar‘īyah lil-malik al-wahhāb
Author: ‘Abd al-Raūf ibn ‘Alī al-Jāwī al-Fanṣūrī
Place, Date of Birth: Aceh, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 1615
Place, Date of Dead: Aceh, 1693
Place of Activity: Aceh
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Islamic Jurisprudence
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 17
Found in : Keijzer 1864; Voorhoeve 1952: 4; Daly 1980; Azra 2004: 245-246.

This work was written on request of The Sultanat Safiyatuddin, and completed in 1074/1663. It deals with the principles of Islamic Jurisprudences (fiqh).