Manuscript > Tanbīh al-māshī

Detail Information

Title: Tanbīh al-māshī
Full Title: Tanbīh al-māshī al-mansūb ilā ṭarīq al-Qushāshī
Author: ‘Abd al-Raūf ibn ‘Alī al-Jāwī al-Fanṣūrī
Place, Date of Birth: Aceh, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 1615
Place, Date of Dead: Aceh, 1693
Place of Activity: Aceh
Language: Arabic
Script: Arabic
Subject Matter: Sufism
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 17
Found in : Voorhoeve 1952: 109; Badri 1975; Voorhoeve 1980: 363; Fathurahman 1999: 31-34; Fakhriati 2007: 3-9.

This is one of ‘Abd al-Raūf ibn ‘Alī al-Jāwī al-Fanṣūrī's Arabic works, which contains al-Fanṣūrī's teachings presented as five stages: the dogma (‘aqīdah), the law (sharī‘ah), the path (ṭarīqah), the truth (ḥaqīqah), and the gnosis (ma‘rifah). The first one exposes his interpretation of the Unicity doctrine (waḥdat al-wujūd), while the other four reflect his whole teachings regarding mysticism.

The consideration regarding the Unicity doctrine exposed by the author in this text lead to the formulation of two concepts, which he comments on before combining them, that is the concept of emanation (al-fayḍ) and that of shadow (al-ẓill). According to him, the universe represents the emanation of the Unique Being (al- Ḥaq), but it differs from God himself; the relation between the two is that of an object with its shadow. In this way, the author maintains simultaneously both principles of divine immanency (tashbīh) and of transcendency (tanzīh).

At the end of this text, the author shows his intellectual geneology (sanad) of Shaṭārīyah and Qadarīyah ūfī orders.