Manuscript > Manhaj al-ithm

Detail Information

Title: Manhaj al-ithm
Full Title: Manhaj al-ithm
Author: anonymous
Place, Date of Birth: None, None
Place, Date of Dead: None, None
Place of Activity: None
Language: Malay
Script: Jawi
Subject Matter: Sufism
Genre: Prose
Date of Autograph (century): 19

This work contains some aspect of Islamic ethics which means to disclose the essence of earthly life and hereafter. It is intended to make everybody fear of God in order to get His reward. Otherwise, he/she will be punished. Then, it continued to explain the atonement and closed with the explanation of he who kisses his wife while he took ablution, he does not need to repeat his ablution. Next, there is an explanation on he/she who gives donation but goes to hell while sinful person could go to heaven. Therefore, the Shattariyah leader reminds his followers of always asking for forgiveness and reciting the Fatihah and doing dhikr 100 times at minimum during subuh and isya times, then followed by the conduct of bay’at for the Shattariyah followers.